During the onboarding process of pairing a watch device, there are two steps that take place:
Step 1 - Scan QR Code
Step 2 - Verify 8-Digit Activation Code
During either of these steps, there is a slight possibility that the watch device may encounter connection issues, in which there are simple troubleshooting steps that can be taken to resolve this.
📝Improvement: For users that could not receive their activation codes, troubleshooting pages were added to allow for users to research their issue and solve them as simply and promptly as possible. Resolutions involve going through the proper steps of the set-up process or restarting the watch device.
✔️ Result: Instructing users on Step 1 (Scan QR Code) to properly set up the pairing process:
📈Solved 50% of all onboarding issues that Customer Support received.
Users that encountered issues on Step 2 (Verify 8-Digit Activation Code) and were able to solve their issues:
📈Resulted in another 30% of solved issues at this stage that is alleviated from Customer Support.

Troubleshooting for Step 1

Troubleshooting for Step 2

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